Thursday 14th April - Eye Issues

Thursday 14th April I feel like staying in bed, but must try to get up. I am in agony with my shoulders and lower back and am a bit pissed off. The eye specialist's secretary phoned yesterday after I sent an email. I'm still down to be seen, but they have a slight backlog. Apparently when they operate on my bad eye is down to the health of the good eye.... Bloomin' stupid if you ask me. I again pointed out that it is affecting what I can do, and my enjoyment of life. I want to get out there and go for long drives and walks in nature and visit new places, but can't enjoy anything. I'm so fed up, I just want it done so I can enjoy my life again. I don't want to be living life with my left eye all a blur. It's really getting to me and dragging me down UPDATE - Monday 25th April: After an eye test and field vision test for the DVLA carried out at Specsavers in Swansea, have been cleared to keep driving and had my driving licence renewed! (due to health...