Sunday 5th June - Health and Cricket

Sunday 5 th June Woke up in pain all over today, and to some bad news. A friend of mine that I met at a Cuppa & Chat group had passed away in the night at Morriston Hospital. Nothing prepares you for that news, its like getting punched when you open a door. The older I get; the more people seem to be passing. At school no one warned you that when you get older people you know, even around your own age, will pass on. I am feeling depressed, helpless, fed up and wondering who’s next? My father isn’t getting any younger, next year he will be 80, he seems to be full of energy and always on the go, I am sure I don’t take after him, my sister seems too though! I spilt boiling water when making my morning cuppa this morning, missed the cup, I have been doing that an awful lot of late thanks to my left eye being all a blur. A bit of good news today, finally, England have one the first test in the cricket, its best of 3, they were playing New Zealand.