
Showing posts with the label #recipe

Recipe: Cornflakes coated chicken

Cornflakes coated chicken Inspired by Nigella  In a bowl mix together the following Mustard (of your choice - dijon, whole grain or French) Two cloves of garlic (grated) Egg (to combine) mix well until all ingredients are combined. To this add 2 chicken breast fillets flattened into escallops, let them bathe for a while, while you prepare the coating. In another dish pour some cornflakes , massage them into crumbs, add some paprika or cayenne pepper ( depending on your taste ), mix together. Take the chicken out of your mustard mixture and coat in the cornflakes, make sure you coat well. Fry in a pan until the chicken is cooked. Serve with a nice salad. I used honey nut cornflakes, which wasn't right for the dish due to the sweetness, but the nuttieness worked, I also added chives to the cornflakes. See a video online at

Recipe: Prawn & Tomato Pasta

Prawn & Tomato Pasta  (inspired by a Nigella dish) First of all cook some pasta in a pan While it's cooking in another pan pour some olive oil. Cut come cherry tomatoes around the equator, add these to the hot oil, taking care as they will spit! Add some grated garlic and some salt, when Nigella did her version of the dish she added chilli flakes, but I'm not a fan, so I'm choosing to add a squirt of ginger paste for a warming taste. In the pan next add your peeled uncooked prawns, cook them until they have turned pink.  Strain your pasta, and add it to the other pan, along with some chives and parsley. Combine, serve and enjoy. I want to thank Nigella Lawson for the inspiration for this one. Ingredients List Pasta Olive oil Cherry tomatoes Uncooked prawns Garlic Ginger paste Salt Parsley Chives

Recipe: Sausage Casserole

Recipe: Sausage Casserole Fry up some sausages in a frying pan, also fry up a little onion. In a casserole dish put a tin of baked beans and add some tomato puree and soy sauce, mix it up and at this point also add some garlic (a clove of freshly chopped, granules or ground) and some ground pepper, mix these together. Chop up a potato in its skin into small chunks, add the chunks to baked beans along with a cup (or half a mug) of water, mix together and add the sausages and onions. Cook in the oven for about an hour on grass mark 6. You could do this in a slow cooker or maybe an air fryer. Serve on its own or with a nice side salad. Enjoy!

Recipe: Paprika Chicken

Recipe: Paprika Chicken If you like something cheap for a meal, if you look in the right places, you can find fairly cheap chicken. Chicken thighs seem to be the most cost effective, try to find skinless if you can, it seems buying them in bulk may be cheaper. I've got a really tasty coating for them, recipe coming up. First of all get your roasting tin out and preheat the oven to gas mark 7. In the tin put some olive oil, and make sure you cover the tin with the oil.. Then get your chosen chicken portions out and wash them, as mentioned, I find thighs more economical. Dry them off and put them in the tin, rotate them to get them coated in oil. Then in a mug or dish put some paprika, garlic granules, termeric, parsley and some salt (just a little salt, not so much). Sprinkle the mixed spices and herbs over the chicken and cook. Once cooked serve with home made potato wedges, oven chips or maybe a nice salad, and enjoy!